May 14
JFormDesigner 7 Released
We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of JFormDesigner 7, now with Java 9 - 12 support, new icon/image chooser dialog and Eclipse refactoring improvements.
Feature Highlights:
- Java 9 - 12 support.
- Eclipse plug-in: Refactoring integration improved.
- New icon/image chooser dialog.
- Design view: Easier resizing top-level components.
- Improved multi-monitor support.
- Eclipse plug-in: Shortcut keys for JFormDesigner commands.
- and more...
See What's New in JFormDesigner 7 for the significant or more interesting changes or have a look at the change log for a complete list of changes.
Customer information: JFormDesigner 7 is free of charge for existing customers if the "Free updates until" date of your license key is 2017-07-01 or later. If not, then you can order upgrades here.