
CheckBox Icon

Used for CheckBox. The icon is also the superclass of icon used for RadioButton.

CheckBox Icon Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
CheckBox.icon.borderColor icon.borderColor border color if not selected
CheckBox.icon.background icon.background background color if not selected
CheckBox.icon.selectedBorderColor icon.selectedBorderColor border color if selected
CheckBox.icon.selectedBackground icon.selectedBackground background color if selected
CheckBox.icon.checkmarkColor icon.checkmarkColor checkmark color
CheckBox.icon.disabledBorderColor icon.disabledBorderColor border color if disabled and not selected
CheckBox.icon.disabledBackground icon.disabledBackground background color if disabled and not selected
CheckBox.icon.disabledSelectedBorderColor v2 icon.disabledSelectedBorderColor border color if disabled and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.disabledBorderColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.disabledSelectedBackground v2 icon.disabledSelectedBackground background color if disabled and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.disabledBackground is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.disabledCheckmarkColor icon.disabledCheckmarkColor checkmark color if disabled
CheckBox.icon.hoverBorderColor icon.hoverBorderColor border color if mouse is over component and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.hoverBackground icon.hoverBackground background color if mouse is over component and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.hoverSelectedBorderColor v2 icon.hoverSelectedBorderColor border color if mouse is over component and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.hoverBorderColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.hoverSelectedBackground v2 icon.hoverSelectedBackground background color if mouse is over component and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.hoverBackground is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.hoverCheckmarkColor v2 icon.hoverCheckmarkColor checkmark color if mouse is over component (optional; CheckBox.icon.checkmarkColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.pressedBorderColor v2 icon.pressedBorderColor border color if mouse is pressed on component and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.pressedBackground icon.pressedBackground background color if mouse is pressed on component and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.pressedSelectedBorderColor v2 icon.pressedSelectedBorderColor border color if mouse is pressed on component and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.pressedBorderColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.pressedSelectedBackground v2 icon.pressedSelectedBackground background color if mouse is pressed on component and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.pressedBackground is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.pressedCheckmarkColor v2 icon.pressedCheckmarkColor checkmark color if mouse is pressed on component (optional; CheckBox.icon.checkmarkColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.focusedBorderColor icon.focusedBorderColor border color if focused and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.focusedBackground icon.focusedBackground background color if focused and not selected (optional)
CheckBox.icon.focusedSelectedBorderColor v2 icon.focusedSelectedBorderColor border color if focused and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.focusedBorderColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.focusedSelectedBackground v2 icon.focusedSelectedBackground background color if focused and selected (optional; CheckBox.icon.focusedBackground is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.focusedCheckmarkColor v2 icon.focusedCheckmarkColor checkmark color if focused (optional; CheckBox.icon.checkmarkColor is used if not specified)
CheckBox.icon.focusColor icon.focusColor outer focus border color (optional; defaults to Component.focusColor)


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
CheckBox.icon.borderWidth v2 icon.borderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the border if not selected (optional; defaults to Component.borderWidth)
CheckBox.icon.selectedBorderWidth v2 icon.selectedBorderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the border if selected (optional; defaults to CheckBox.icon.borderWidth)
CheckBox.icon.disabledSelectedBorderWidth v2 icon.disabledSelectedBorderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the border if disabled (optional; defaults to CheckBox.icon.selectedBorderWidth)
CheckBox.icon.focusWidth icon.focusWidth int or float thickness of the outer focus border, or zero (optional; defaults to Component.focusWidth)
CheckBox.arc icon.arc int arc diameter of the border corners


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
CheckBox.icon.style - String style of check box icon: if filled, then UI keys prefixed with CheckBox.icon[filled]. are used (if defined)

RadioButton Icon

Used for RadioButton.

This icon extends CheckBox Icon and inherits all properties (except CheckBox.arc).

RadioButton Icon Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
RadioButton.icon.centerDiameter icon.centerDiameter int or float diameter of the center circle


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
RadioButton.icon.style - String style of radio button icon: if filled, then UI keys prefixed with CheckBox.icon[filled]. are used (if defined)

HelpButton Icon

Used for Button.

HelpButton Icon Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
HelpButton.borderColor help.borderColor border color
HelpButton.background help.background background color
HelpButton.questionMarkColor help.questionMarkColor question mark color
HelpButton.disabledBorderColor help.disabledBorderColor border color if disabled
HelpButton.disabledBackground help.disabledBackground background color if disabled
HelpButton.disabledQuestionMarkColor help.disabledQuestionMarkColor question mark color if disabled
HelpButton.hoverBorderColor help.hoverBorderColor border color if mouse is over button (optional)
HelpButton.hoverBackground help.hoverBackground background color if mouse is over button (optional)
HelpButton.pressedBackground help.pressedBackground background color if mouse is pressed on button (optional)
HelpButton.focusedBorderColor help.focusedBorderColor border color if focused
HelpButton.focusedBackground help.focusedBackground background color if focused (optional)
Component.focusColor help.focusColor outer focus border color


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
HelpButton.borderWidth help.borderWidth int line thickness used to paint the border (optional; default is 1)
Component.focusWidth help.focusWidth int thickness of the outer focus border, or zero
HelpButton.innerFocusWidth help.innerFocusWidth int or float thickness of the inner focus border, or zero (optional; defaults to Component.innerFocusWidth)

Used for Menu, CheckBoxMenuItem and RadioButtonMenuItem.

Menu Icons Properties

UI Key Style Key v2 Description
CheckBoxMenuItem.icon.checkmarkColor icon.checkmarkColor checkmark color if enabled
CheckBoxMenuItem.icon.disabledCheckmarkColor icon.disabledCheckmarkColor checkmark color if disabled
UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Component.arrowType icon.arrowType String chevron (default) or triangle