
Swing component: JSlider
Swing tutorial: How to Use Sliders


Slider Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
Slider.trackColor trackColor track color
Slider.trackValueColor trackValueColor track value color (optional; defaults to Slider.thumbColor)
Slider.thumbColor thumbColor thumb color
Slider.hoverThumbColor hoverThumbColor thumb color if mouse is over thumb (optional)
Slider.pressedThumbColor pressedThumbColor thumb color if mouse is pressed on thumb (optional)
Slider.thumbBorderColor thumbBorderColor thumb border color (optional; if null, no border is painted)
Slider.focusedColor focusedColor thumb focus indicator color (optional; defaults to Component.focusColor)
Slider.focusedThumbBorderColor focusedThumbBorderColor thumb border color if focused (optional; defaults to Component.focusedBorderColor)
Slider.disabledTrackColor disabledTrackColor track color if disabled
Slider.disabledThumbColor disabledThumbColor thumb color if disabled
Slider.disabledThumbBorderColor disabledThumbBorderColor thumb border color if disabled (optional; defaults to Component.disabledBorderColor)
Slider.tickColor tickColor tick marks color
Slider.background background if slider is opaque, used to fill background
Slider.foreground foreground unused


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Slider.trackWidth trackWidth int thickness of the track
Slider.thumbSize thumbSize Dimension width and height of the thumb in horizontal orientation, rotated for vertical orientation
Slider.thumbBorderWidth v2 thumbBorderWidth int or float thickness of the thumb border; if zero, no thumb border is painted
Slider.focusWidth focusWidth int thickness of the focus indicator painted around the thumb
Slider.horizontalSize - Dimension preferred width of horizontal sliders; height is ignored (computed slider height is used)
Slider.verticalSize - Dimension preferred height of vertical sliders; width is ignored (computed slider width is used)
Slider.minimumHorizontalSize - Dimension minimum width of horizontal sliders; height is ignored (computed slider height is used)
Slider.minimumVerticalSize - Dimension minimum height of vertical sliders; width is ignored (computed slider width is used)


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Slider.font font Font font used to render slider labels
Slider.border border Border usually null

Styling v2

Following properties are Swing API, but are also available via styling. See JSlider API for details.

Style Key Type Description Java API
minimum int minimum value of the slider setMinimum(int)
maximum int maximum value of the slider setMaximum(int)
value int value of the slider setValue(int)
majorTickSpacing int distance between major tick marks setMajorTickSpacing(int)
minorTickSpacing int distance between minor tick marks setMinorTickSpacing(int)
inverted boolean if true, the value-range shown is reversed setInverted(boolean)
paintLabels boolean if true, labels are painted setPaintLabels(boolean)
paintTicks boolean if true, tick marks are painted setPaintTicks(boolean)
paintTrack boolean if true, the track is painted setPaintTrack(boolean)
snapToTicks boolean if true, the thumb snaps to the closest tick mark setSnapToTicks(boolean)