
Swing component: JSplitPane
Swing tutorial: How to Use Split Panes


SplitPane Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
SplitPane.background background background color
SplitPane.foreground foreground unused
SplitPaneDivider.gripColor gripColor dot color in grip
SplitPaneDivider.oneTouchArrowColor oneTouchArrowColor arrow color of expand/collapse buttons in divider
SplitPaneDivider.oneTouchHoverArrowColor oneTouchHoverArrowColor arrow color of expand/collapse buttons in divider if mouse is over button
SplitPaneDivider.oneTouchPressedArrowColor oneTouchPressedArrowColor arrow color of expand/collapse buttons in divider if mouse is pressed on button
SplitPaneDivider.hoverColor v3.3 hoverColor divider background color if mouse is over divider (optional)
SplitPaneDivider.pressedColor v3.3 pressedColor divider background color if mouse is pressed on divider and continuousLayout is enabled (optional)
SplitPaneDivider.draggingColor draggingColor v3.3 divider background color while dragging if continuousLayout is disabled


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
SplitPane.dividerSize dividerSize int divider width for horizontal orientation, or height for vertical orientation
SplitPane.oneTouchButtonSize - int width of one-touch buttons (in horizontal orientation)
SplitPane.oneTouchButtonOffset - int gap between upper one-touch button and top split pane edge (in horizontal orientation)


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Component.arrowType arrowType String chevron (default) or triangle
SplitPaneDivider.style style String divider style: grip (default) or plain
SplitPaneDivider.gripDotCount gripDotCount int count of shown dots
SplitPaneDivider.gripDotSize gripDotSize int diameter of a single dot
SplitPaneDivider.gripGap gripGap int gap between dots
SplitPane.border border Border usually null
SplitPaneDivider.border - Border usually null
SplitPane.continuousLayout - boolean if true, the components are continuously redrawn while dragging the divider
SplitPane.centerOneTouchButtons - boolean if true, centers the one-touch buttons within the divider width; otherwise they are placed to left/top side of divider
SplitPane.supportsOneTouchButtons - boolean if true, one-touch buttons are supported (if enabled); if false, one-touch buttons are never shown