
Swing component: JTable
Swing tutorial: How to Use Tables


Table Properties

For table header properties see: TableHeader


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
Table.foreground foreground text color
Table.background background background color
Table.selectionForeground selectionForeground text color if selected and focused
Table.selectionBackground selectionBackground background color if selected and focused
Table.selectionInactiveForeground selectionInactiveForeground text color if selected but not focused
Table.selectionInactiveBackground selectionInactiveBackground background color if selected but not focused
Table.alternateRowColor - row background color used for odd rows
Table.gridColor - color of the grid (if grid is shown)
Table.cellFocusColor cellFocusColor cell focus indicator border color
Table.focusCellForeground - text color if cell is focused and editable but not selected
Table.focusCellBackground - background color if cell is focused and editable but not selected
Table.dropLineColor - color of line painted between two rows/columns while dragging rows/columns/cells
Table.dropLineShortColor - color of line painted between two cells while dragging rows/columns/cells
Table.dropCellForeground - text color if cell at mouse location is drop target while dragging rows/columns/cells
Table.dropCellBackground - background color if cell at mouse location is drop target while dragging rows/columns/cells


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Table.rowHeight rowHeight int height of each row
Table.cellMargins cellMargins Insets space between cell bounds and cell text
Table.intercellSpacing intercellSpacing Dimension space width between columns and space height between rows


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Table.font font Font font used to render text
Table.scrollPaneBorder - Border border applied to containing scroll pane (optional)
Table.showHorizontalLines showHorizontalLines boolean if true, show horizontal grid lines (Note: if used cell renderer is opaque it is necessary to change Table.intercellSpacing as well)
Table.showVerticalLines showVerticalLines boolean if true, show vertical grid lines (Note: if used cell renderer is opaque it is necessary to change Table.intercellSpacing as well)
Table.showTrailingVerticalLine showTrailingVerticalLine boolean if true, do not hide trailing vertical line of last column
Table.showCellFocusIndicator showCellFocusIndicator boolean

if true, always shows the cell focus indicator border; if false, cell focus indicator border is shown under following conditions:

  • for row selection mode if exactly one row is selected and at least one cell in that row is editable
  • for column selection mode if exactly one column is selected and at least one cell in that column is editable
  • never for cell selection mode

To avoid possible performance issues, checking for editable cells is limited to 50. If there are more cells to check, the focus indicator is always shown.

Table.cellNoFocusBorder - Border cell border if cell is not focused
Table.focusCellHighlightBorder - Border cell border if cell is focused but not selected
Table.focusSelectedCellHighlightBorder - Border cell border if cell is selected and focused
Table.paintOutsideAlternateRows v2.3 - boolean if true, paint alternating rows below table if table is smaller than scroll pane
Table.editorSelectAllOnStartEditing v3.4 - boolean if true, select all text in cell editor when starting editing using F2 key
Table.consistentHomeEndKeyBehavior - boolean if true, swap Home/End key bindings with Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End key bindings to make them consistent with List and Tree

Styling v2

Following properties are Swing API, but are also available via styling. See JTable API for details.

Style Key Type Description Java API
fillsViewportHeight boolean if true, then the table is stretched to fill the height of an enclosing viewport setFillsViewportHeight(boolean)