TextField (and subclasses)

Swing components: JTextField, JFormattedTextField and JPasswordField
Swing tutorial: How to Use Text Fields, Formatted Text Fields and Password Fields

Following documentation describes TextField, but FormattedTextField and PasswordField have same properties. Replace TextField. with FormattedTextField. or PasswordField. for those components.


TextField Properties

For border properties see: FlatTextBorder


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
TextField.foreground foreground text color if enabled (also used if not editable)
TextField.inactiveForeground disabledTextColor text color if disabled
TextField.placeholderForeground placeholderForeground placeholder text color, if text field is empty
TextField.background background background color if enabled
TextField.inactiveBackground inactiveBackground background color if not editable, but enabled
TextField.disabledBackground disabledBackground background color if disabled
TextField.focusedBackground focusedBackground background color if focused (optional)
TextField.selectionForeground selectedTextColor selected text color
TextField.selectionBackground selectionColor background color of selected text
TextField.caretForeground caretColor (blinking) caret color
PasswordField.capsLockIconColor capsLockIconColor "caps lock" icon color
PasswordField.revealIconColor v2 - reveal ("eye") icon color


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
TextField.margin margin Insets margin space between the component border and the text
Component.minimumWidth minimumWidth int minimum width of component (in pixels)
TextField.iconTextGap v2 iconTextGap int gap between leading or trailing icons and the text


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
TextField.font font Font font used to render text
TextField.border border Border usually a FlatTextBorder
TextField.caretBlinkRate - int blink rate of the caret (in milliseconds)
TextComponent.selectAllOnFocusPolicy - String specifies whether all text is selected when the text component gains focus (never, once or always)
TextComponent.selectAllOnMouseClick - boolean if true, select all text when clicking with the mouse into the text field (if enabled with TextComponent.selectAllOnFocusPolicy)
PasswordField.echoChar echoChar character character used for echoing
PasswordField.showCapsLock showCapsLock boolean if true, shows a "caps lock" icon if Caps Lock is on
PasswordField.capsLockIcon - Icon "caps lock" icon shown if Caps Lock is on
PasswordField.showRevealButton v2 showRevealButton boolean if true, shows a reveal ("eye") toggle button that makes the password visible if selected
PasswordField.revealIcon v2 - Icon reveal ("eye") icon shown if PasswordField.showRevealButton is true

Styling v2

Following properties are only available via styling (not in UI defaults, but has likewise client properties).

Style Key Type Description Client Property
leadingIcon Icon an icon that will be placed at the leading edge of the text field JTextField.leadingIcon
trailingIcon Icon an icon that will be placed at the trailing edge of the text field JTextField.trailingIcon
showClearButton boolean if true, show a "clear" (or "cancel") button on the trailing side if the text field is not empty, editable and enabled JTextField.showClearButton