Windows 10/11 Title Bar


Title Bar Properties


UI Key Description
TitlePane.background title bar background color if window is active and unified background is disabled (RootPane.background is used for unified background)
TitlePane.inactiveBackground title bar background color if window is inactive and unified background is disabled (RootPane.background is used for unified background)
TitlePane.foreground title text color and buttons icon color if window is active
TitlePane.embeddedForeground title text color if window is active and has an embedded menu bar
TitlePane.inactiveForeground title text color and buttons icon color if window is inactive
TitlePane.borderColor if set, a line with that color is painted at the bottom of the title bar (optional)
TitlePane.buttonHoverBackground button background color if mouse is over button
TitlePane.buttonPressedBackground button background color if mouse is pressed on button
TitlePane.closeHoverBackground "Close" button background color if mouse is over button
TitlePane.closePressedBackground "Close" button background color if mouse is pressed on button
TitlePane.closeHoverForeground "Close" button icon color if mouse is over button
TitlePane.closePressedForeground "Close" button icon color if mouse is pressed on button


UI Key Type Description
TitlePane.noIconLeftGap v2 int gap on left side of title bar if no icon is shown
TitlePane.iconSize Dimension size of icon in title bar
TitlePane.iconMargins Insets margin around the icon
TitlePane.titleMargins Insets margin around the title text
TitlePane.titleMinimumWidth v2.4 int minimum width of title
TitlePane.buttonMaximizedHeight int preferred height of title bar if frame is maximized (used to make title bar height slightly smaller when maximized)
TitlePane.menuBarTitleGap int gap between embedded menu bar and title text if title is not centered
TitlePane.menuBarTitleMinimumGap v2.4 int minimum gap between embedded menu bar and title text if title is not centered (if horizontal space is rare, the gap is shrinked to this width)
TitlePane.menuBarResizeHeight v2.4 int height of area at top of embedded menu bar to resize the window
TitlePane.buttonSize Dimension size of title bar buttons (e.g. "Close")
TitlePane.buttonMinimumWidth v2.4 int minimum width of title bar buttons (if horizontal space is rare, the buttons are shrinked to this width)
TitlePane.buttonSymbolHeight v3.2 int size of symbols in title bar buttons (e.g. "Close")


UI Key Type Description
TitlePane.font v2.5 Font font used to render title text (optional; defaults to Label.font)
TitlePane.unifiedBackground boolean if true, the title bar uses same background color as content area (RootPane.background)
TitlePane.showIcon v2 boolean specifies whether window icon is shown
TitlePane.showIconInDialogs v2.5 boolean if true, shows window icon in dialogs; if false, do not show icon in dialogs (but in frames) (default is true)
TitlePane.showIconBesideTitle v2.4 boolean if true, the window icon is shown beside the window title (e.g. horizontally centered in frame with embedded menu bar)
TitlePane.menuBarEmbedded boolean if true, menu bar is embedded into title bar
TitlePane.centerTitle boolean specifies whether title text is centered if title bar does not have an embedded menu bar
TitlePane.centerTitleIfMenuBarEmbedded boolean specifies whether title text is centered if title bar has an embedded menu bar
TitlePane.closeIcon Icon icon used for "Close" button (FlatWindowCloseIcon)
TitlePane.iconifyIcon Icon icon used for "Minimize" button (FlatWindowIconifyIcon)
TitlePane.maximizeIcon Icon icon used for "Maximize" button (FlatWindowMaximizeIcon)
TitlePane.restoreIcon Icon icon used for "Restore" button (FlatWindowRestoreIcon)