
Swing component: JToolBar
Swing tutorial: How to Use Tool Bars


ToolBar Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
ToolBar.background background background color
ToolBar.foreground foreground unused
ToolBar.hoverButtonGroupBackground v3 hoverButtonGroupBackground background color of button group if mouse is over a button of that group
ToolBar.dockingBackground - background color while dragging a floatable toolbar to a dockable location
ToolBar.dockingForeground - border color while dragging a floatable toolbar to a dockable location
ToolBar.floatingBackground - background color while dragging a floatable toolbar to a non-dockable location
ToolBar.floatingForeground - border color while dragging a floatable toolbar to a non-dockable location
ToolBar.separatorColor separatorColor v3.3 separator color
ToolBar.gripColor gripColor grip color (only visible if toolbar is floatable)


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
ToolBar.borderMargins borderMargins Insets margin space between the toolbar bounds and the buttons
ToolBar.separatorWidth separatorWidth v3.3 int separator width
ToolBar.hoverButtonGroupArc v3 hoverButtonGroupArc int arc diameter of the button group hover highlight


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
ToolBar.font font Font unused
ToolBar.border border Border usually a FlatToolBarBorder
ToolBar.focusableButtons focusableButtons boolean if true, the buttons in the toolbar are focusable
ToolBar.arrowKeysOnlyNavigation v2 arrowKeysOnlyNavigation boolean if true, tab-key moves focus out of toolbar and arrow keys move focus within toolbar; if false, tab-key moves focus to next button within toolbar
ToolBar.floatable v2 floatable boolean if true, the toolbar is floatable (can be dragged arround using the grip)
ToolBar.spacingBorder - Border not used in FlatLaf; intended for custom components in toolbar so that they have same spacing as buttons (Button.toolbar.spacingInsets)