
Swing component: JToolTip
Swing tutorial: How to Use Tool Tips


ToolTip Properties


UI Key Description
ToolTip.foreground text color
ToolTip.background background color


UI Key Type Description
ToolTip.borderCornerRadius v3.1 int

tool tip border corner radius for native borders

Note that this is not available on all platforms since it requires special support. Supported platforms:

  • Windows 11: Only two corner radiuses are supported by the OS. The smaller one is 4px and the larger one 8px. If this value is 1 - 4, then 4px is used. If it is >= 5, then 8px is used.
  • macOS (10.14 and later): Any corner radius is supported. v3.3
ToolTip.roundedBorderWidth v3.3 int or float

tool tip border width for native borders

Note that this is not available on all platforms since it requires special support. Supported platforms:

  • macOS (10.14 and later)


UI Key Type Description
ToolTip.font Font font used to render text
ToolTip.border Border border around the tool tip