
Swing component: JTree
Swing tutorial: How to Use Trees


Tree Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
Tree.foreground foreground unused (see Tree.textForeground)
Tree.background background background color
Tree.textForeground - text color
Tree.textBackground - cell background color if Tree.rendererFillBackground is enabled
Tree.selectionForeground selectionForeground text color if selected and focused
Tree.selectionBackground selectionBackground background color if selected and focused
Tree.selectionInactiveForeground selectionInactiveForeground text color if selected but not focused
Tree.selectionInactiveBackground selectionInactiveBackground background color if selected but not focused
Tree.hash - line color used if Tree.paintLines is enabled
Tree.selectionBorderColor selectionBorderColor focus indicator border color
Tree.editorBorderSelectionColor - color of border painted around editor container when editing cell (optional)
Tree.dropLineColor - color of line painted between two cells while dragging cells
Tree.dropCellForeground - text color if cell at mouse location is drop target while dragging cells
Tree.dropCellBackground - background color if cell at mouse location is drop target while dragging cells
Tree.icon.expandedColor icon.expandedColor color of "expanded" arrow icon
Tree.icon.collapsedColor icon.collapsedColor color of "collapsed" arrow icon
Tree.icon.leafColor icon.leafColor color of "leaf" icon
Tree.icon.closedColor icon.closedColor color of "closed" icon
Tree.icon.openColor icon.openColor color of "open" icon


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Tree.rowHeight rowHeight int height of each row; if zero, then the height of each row is determined by the renderer
Tree.rendererMargins - Insets space between cell bounds and cell text
Tree.leftChildIndent - int distance between left margin and where vertical dashes (Tree.paintLines) will be drawn (the total child indent is the sum of left and right child indent)
Tree.rightChildIndent - int distance to add to Tree.leftChildIndent to determine where cell contents will be drawn (the total child indent is the sum of left and right child indent)
Tree.selectionInsets v3 selectionInsets Insets space between cell bounds and cell selection
Tree.selectionArc v3 selectionArc int arc diameter of the selection corners


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Tree.font font Font font used to render text
Tree.border border Border usually a FlatEmptyBorder
Tree.wideSelection wideSelection boolean if true, paint wide selection across the whole tree width
Tree.showDefaultIcons v3 showDefaultIcons boolean if true, paint default closed/opened/leaf icons on all rows
Tree.paintLines - boolean if true, paints lines that connect cells and indicate hierarchy
Tree.lineTypeDashed - boolean if true, paint dashed lines (instead of solid lines)
Tree.showsRootHandles showsRootHandles boolean if true, show the expand/collapse handles of root nodes
Tree.showCellFocusIndicator showCellFocusIndicator boolean if true, shows the cell focus indicator border (but only if multiple cells are selected)
Tree.drawsFocusBorderAroundIcon - boolean if true, paint cell focus indicator border around icon as well
Tree.drawDashedFocusIndicator - boolean if true, paint cell focus indicator border with dashed lines (instead of solid lines)
Tree.rendererFillBackground - boolean if true, fill cell background with Tree.textBackground color
Tree.repaintWholeRow - boolean if true, repaint whole width of rows
Tree.editorBorder - Border text field border used for editing cell
Tree.scrollsOnExpand scrollsOnExpand boolean if true, scroll vertically when expanding a node to make the maximum number of node's descendants visible
Tree.scrollsHorizontallyAndVertically - boolean if true, when navigating scroll horizontally to make whole node visible
Component.arrowType arrowType String arrow type of expanded/collapsed icons: chevron (default) or triangle
Tree.expandedIcon - Icon arrow icon used to indicate that node is expanded
Tree.collapsedIcon - Icon arrow icon used to indicate that node is collapsed
Tree.leafIcon - Icon icon used for leaf nodes
Tree.closedIcon - Icon icon used for non-leaf nodes that are collapsed
Tree.openIcon - Icon icon used for non-leaf nodes that are expanded

Styling v2

Following properties are only available via styling (not in UI defaults, but has likewise client properties).

Style Key Type Description Client Property
paintSelection boolean if false, the cell renderer is responsible for painting selection JTree.paintSelection

Following properties are Swing API, but are also available via styling. See JTree API for details.

Style Key Type Description Java API
rootVisible boolean if true, the root is visible setRootVisible(boolean)
visibleRowCount int number of visible rows; used to calculate preferred size setVisibleRowCount(int)