Viewing entries posted in 2024

FlatLaf 3.4


"full window content" mode for FlatLaf window decorations (Windows 10/11 and Linux)

Full window content mode allows you to extend the content into the window title bar. This means that the content pane (and glass pane) of the Swing window is extended into the window title bar. The window icon and title are automatically hidden. Only the minimize/maximize/close buttons stay visible. So your application can use (nearly) the whole window area.

You can try out "full window content" mode in FlatLaf Demo. Press the "expand" button on the right side in the tab area.

macOS: window title bar close/minimize/zoom buttons spacing

If using full window content mode on macOS, it is now possible to use larger space around the close/minimize/zoom buttons (traffic lights) to give your application a "native" look:

Change Log


FlatLaf 3.3


macOS: native rounded borders for popups

Popups on macOS now use native macOS rounded borders (including native drop shadow):

ScrollPane: Support rounded border

ScrollPane now support using rounded border. See PR #713 for information how to enable this feature.

TabbedPane: Support vertical tabs

TabbedPane now supports rotated/vertical tabs:

Change Log
