
Core Themes

  • FlatLaf Light (class com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf)
  • FlatLaf Dark (class com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatDarkLaf)
  • FlatLaf IntelliJ (based on FlatLaf Light) looks like IntelliJ theme from IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2+ (class com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatIntelliJLaf)
  • FlatLaf Darcula (based on FlatLaf Dark) looks like Darcula theme from IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2+ (class com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatDarculaLaf)
  • FlatLaf macOS Light v3 (class com.formdev.flatlaf.themes.FlatMacLightLaf)
  • FlatLaf macOS Dark v3 (class com.formdev.flatlaf.themes.FlatMacDarkLaf)

Differences between FlatLaf Light/Dark and IntelliJ/Darcula themes

FlatLaf Light

FlatLaf IntelliJ

FlatLaf Dark

FlatLaf Darcula

IntelliJ Platform Themes

IntelliJ Platform based products (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA or WebStorm) support 3rd party theming thru plugins, which internally use JSON files (with extension .theme.json) to describe the UI theme.

FlatLaf supports loading such 3rd party .theme.json files and using them as a Laf.

  • Arc Orange
    Arc Orange
  • One Dark
    One Dark
  • Cyan Light
    Cyan Light
  • Dark Purple
    Dark Purple
  • Material Lighter
    Material Lighter
  • Material Darker
    Material Darker
  • Solarized Light
    Solarized Light
  • Carbon

FlatLaf IntelliJ Themes Pack

This addon for FlatLaf bundles many popular open-source 3rd party themes from JetBrains Plugins Repository into a JAR and provides Java classes to use them.

Use FlatLaf Demo to try them out.

If you use Maven or Gradle, add a dependency with following coordinates to your build script:

groupId:     com.formdev
artifactId:  flatlaf-intellij-themes
version:     (see button below)

Otherwise download flatlaf-intellij-themes-<version>.jar here:

Maven Central

More information:

How to find a 3rd party IntelliJ theme?

Use the FlatLaf Demo, which bundles many popular open-source 3rd party themes from JetBrains Plugins Repository, to try them out.

You can also go to the JetBrains Plugins Repository and browse available IntelliJ theme plugins at If you found a good one, click on the "Source Code" link at the bottom of the theme page, which redirects you to the source code repository of the theme. There you can search for a .theme.json file and download it.

Tip: If you copy a .theme.json file into the same folder as the FlatLaf Demo JAR, you can try this theme in the demo. Select the theme from the "Current directory" section in the themes list.

How to use a 3rd party IntelliJ theme?

To use a .theme.json file in your application, which is not contained in the FlatLaf IntelliJ Themes Pack, save it somewhere into your application's resources (or src) folder and use following code to load and initialize it:

IntelliJTheme.setup( MyApp.class.getResourceAsStream(
    "/com/myapp/themes/arc-theme-orange.theme.json" ) );

// create UI here...