JFormDesigner 7 Preview

We've just published JFormDesigner 7 Early Access 1 with:

  • Java 9 support.
  • New icon/image chooser dialog.
  • Load images from project source folders.
  • Icon editor: Support selecting icons in JARs of classpath.
  • and more...

JFormDesigner 7 is in active development and not feature complete.

Besides working on new features, improvements and bug fixes, we've migrated the whole JFormDesigner source code to Java 8. Now using lambdas, method references, streams, etc.

As a consequence, if you're using a JFormDesigner IDE plug-in, your IDE now needs to run in a Java 8 (or 9) VM. That's one reason why we dropped support for older IDE versions. See new System Requirements.

Please give it a try, download it and report bugs. Thanks.

JFormDesigner 6.0.2

We've just released JFormDesigner 6.0.2 with some bug fixes.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 support
  • I18n in IDE plug-ins: Fixed escaping of characters in properties files if encoding of properties files is not ISO-8859-1.
  • IntelliJ IDEA plug-in: Form classpath now includes resources output folder of Gradle projects (requires IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 or later).
  • and minor bug fixes

Users of the IntelliJ IDEA plug-in are recommended to update to 6.0.2.

See Change Log for details and download JFormDesigner 6.0.2.