JFormDesigner 6.0.2

We've just released JFormDesigner 6.0.2 with some bug fixes.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 support
  • I18n in IDE plug-ins: Fixed escaping of characters in properties files if encoding of properties files is not ISO-8859-1.
  • IntelliJ IDEA plug-in: Form classpath now includes resources output folder of Gradle projects (requires IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 or later).
  • and minor bug fixes

Users of the IntelliJ IDEA plug-in are recommended to update to 6.0.2.

See Change Log for details and download JFormDesigner 6.0.2.

JFormDesigner 6 Released

We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of JFormDesigner 6, now with MigLayout support, HiDPI monitors support, new modern icons, new modern user interface and more.

Modern UI

Feature Highlights:

  • MigLayout support
  • Support for HiDPI monitors (scaled UI and images)
  • New modern icons (including 2x resolution)
  • Stand-alone: New modern user interface
  • and more...

See What's New in JFormDesigner 6 for the significant or more interesting changes or have a look at the change log for a complete list of changes.

Download JFormDesigner 6

Customer information: JFormDesigner 6 is free of charge for existing customers if the "Free updates until" date of your license key is 2016-01-01 or later. If not, then you can order upgrades here.

JFormDesigner 6 Release Candidate 2

We've just released JFormDesigner 6 Release Candidate 2.

Change Log:

  • New application icon.
  • Help reviewed and updated.
  • Help: All screenshots recreated (including 2x resolution).
  • Dropped JGoodies UIF lite components.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

See What's New in JFormDesigner 6 for the significant or more interesting changes or have a look at the change log for a complete list of changes.

Please give it a try, download it and report bugs. Thanks.

Customer information: JFormDesigner 6 is free of charge for existing customers if the "Free updates until" date of your license key is 2016-01-01 or later.