

Used for ScrollPane. The border is also the superclass of other borders used for Button, ComboBox, Spinner, TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField.

FlatBorder Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
Component.borderColor borderColor border color if component is enabled and not focused
Component.disabledBorderColor disabledBorderColor border color if component is disabled
Component.focusedBorderColor focusedBorderColor border color if component is focused
Component.focusColor focusColor outer focus border color
Component.error.borderColor error.borderColor border color used if client property JComponent.outline or style outline are set to error
Component.error.focusedBorderColor error.focusedBorderColor border color used if component is focused and client property JComponent.outline or style outline are set to error
Component.warning.borderColor warning.borderColor border color used if client property JComponent.outline or style outline are set to warning
Component.warning.focusedBorderColor warning.focusedBorderColor border color used if component is focused and client property JComponent.outline or style outline are set to warning
Component.custom.borderColor custom.borderColor color function used to derive a color for unfocused state if client property JComponent.outline is set to a java.awt.Color, or if style outlineFocusedColor is set


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Component.borderWidth v2 borderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the border
Component.focusWidth focusWidth int thickness of the outer focus border, or zero
Component.innerFocusWidth innerFocusWidth int or float thickness of the inner focus border, or zero
Component.innerOutlineWidth innerOutlineWidth int or float used instead of Component.innerFocusWidth if an outline color is set on the component (via client property or styling)

Styling v2

Following properties are only available via styling (not in UI defaults, but has likewise client properties).

Style Key Type Description Client Property
outline String if error, uses reddish border color to indicate an error; if warning, uses yellowish border color to indicate a warning JComponent.outline
outlineColor Color border color used if component, if style outlineFocusedColor is not set then it is derived from this color JComponent.outline
outlineFocusedColor Color border color used if component is focused; if style outlineColor is not set then it is derived from this color JComponent.outline


Used for Button.

FlatButtonBorder Properties

FlatButtonBorder Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
Button.borderColor borderColor button border color if enabled
Button.startBorderColor - if set, a gradient paint is used and Button.borderColor is ignored (optional)
Button.endBorderColor - if set, a gradient paint is used (optional)
Button.disabledBorderColor disabledBorderColor button border color if disabled
Button.hoverBorderColor hoverBorderColor button border color if mouse is over button (optional)
Button.focusedBorderColor focusedBorderColor button border color if focused
Button.default.borderColor default.borderColor default button border color if enabled
Button.default.startBorderColor - if set, a gradient paint is used and Button.default.borderColor is ignored (optional)
Button.default.endBorderColor - if set, a gradient paint is used (optional)
Button.default.hoverBorderColor default.hoverBorderColor default button border color if mouse is over button (optional)
Button.default.focusedBorderColor default.focusedBorderColor default button border color if focused
Button.default.focusColor default.focusColor default button outer focus border color
Button.toolbar.focusColor toolbar.focusColor toolbar button focus border color (optional; defaults to Component.focusColor)


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Button.borderWidth borderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the button border (optional; defaults to Component.borderWidth)
Button.default.borderWidth default.borderWidth int or float line thickness used to paint the default button border
Component.focusWidth focusWidth int thickness of the outer focus border, or zero
Button.innerFocusWidth innerFocusWidth int or float thickness of the inner focus button border, or zero (optional; defaults to Component.innerFocusWidth)
Button.arc arc int arc diameter of the button border corners
Button.toolbar.focusWidth toolbar.focusWidth int or float toolbar button focus border thickness
Button.toolbar.spacingInsets toolbar.spacingInsets Insets spacing insets between the toolbar button component bounds and the visible bounds
Button.toolbar.margin toolbar.margin Insets margin space between the visible toolbar button bounds and the button icon/text


Used for ComboBox and Spinner.

This border extends FlatBorder and inherits all properties.


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
Component.arc arc int arc diameter of the border corners


Used for ScrollPane.

This border extends FlatBorder and inherits all properties.


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
ScrollPane.arc v3.3 arc int arc diameter of the border corners
ScrollPane.List.arc v3.3 - int arc diameter of the border corners if scroll view is a List (optional; defaults to ScrollPane.arc if value is -1)
ScrollPane.Table.arc v3.3 - int arc diameter of the border corners if scroll view is a Table (optional; defaults to ScrollPane.arc if value is -1)
ScrollPane.TextComponent.arc v3.3 - int arc diameter of the border corners if scroll view is a TextArea, TextPane and EditorPane (optional; defaults to ScrollPane.arc if value is -1)
ScrollPane.Tree.arc v3.3 - int arc diameter of the border corners if scroll view is a Tree (optional; defaults to ScrollPane.arc if value is -1)


Used for TextField, FormattedTextField and PasswordField.

This border extends FlatBorder and inherits all properties.


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
TextComponent.arc arc int arc diameter of the border corners