
Swing component: JScrollBar
Swing tutorial: How to Use Scroll Panes


ScrollBar Properties


UI Key Style Key v2 Description
ScrollBar.track track track color
ScrollBar.thumb thumb thumb color
ScrollBar.hoverTrackColor hoverTrackColor track color if mouse is over track (optional)
ScrollBar.hoverThumbColor hoverThumbColor thumb color if mouse is over thumb (optional)
ScrollBar.pressedTrackColor pressedTrackColor track color if mouse is pressed on track (optional)
ScrollBar.pressedThumbColor pressedThumbColor thumb color if mouse is pressed on thumb (optional)
ScrollBar.buttonArrowColor buttonArrowColor arrow color of scroll buttons
ScrollBar.buttonDisabledArrowColor buttonDisabledArrowColor arrow color of scroll buttons if button is disabled
ScrollBar.hoverButtonBackground hoverButtonBackground scroll button background if mouse is over button (optional)
ScrollBar.pressedButtonBackground pressedButtonBackground scroll button background if mouse is pressed on button (optional)
ScrollBar.background background scroll button background
ScrollBar.foreground foreground unused


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
ScrollBar.width width int scroll bar width for vertical orientation, or height for horizontal orientation
ScrollBar.minimumButtonSize v2.1 minimumButtonSize Dimension minimum size of the scroll arrow buttons, if shown (width is used for horizontal orientation, height for vertical orientation)
ScrollBar.minimumThumbSize minimumThumbSize Dimension minimum size of the thumb (width is used for horizontal orientation, height for vertical orientation)
ScrollBar.maximumThumbSize maximumThumbSize Dimension maximum size of the thumb (width is used for horizontal orientation, height for vertical orientation)
ScrollBar.trackInsets trackInsets Insets space between the component bounds and the track
ScrollBar.thumbInsets thumbInsets Insets space between the component bounds and the thumb
ScrollBar.trackArc trackArc int arc diameter of the track corners
ScrollBar.thumbArc thumbArc int arc diameter of the thumb corners


UI Key Style Key v2 Type Description
ScrollBar.showButtons showButtons boolean if true, shows the scroll arrow buttons
Component.arrowType arrowType String chevron (default) or triangle
ScrollBar.hoverThumbWithTrack hoverThumbWithTrack boolean if true, paints the thumb in hover state if mouse is over track
ScrollBar.pressedThumbWithTrack pressedThumbWithTrack boolean if true, paints the thumb in pressed state if mouse is pressed on track
ScrollBar.allowsAbsolutePositioning allowsAbsolutePositioning boolean if true, allows absolute positioning the thumb by pressing the middle mouse key (or the wheel) anywhere in the track