
Code Generation Properties

This category contains properties related to the Java code generator.

Properties View - Code Generation tab


Property Name Description
Nested Class Name The name of the generated nested Java class. See Nested Classes for details.
Variable Name The variable name of the component used in the generated Java code. By default, it is equal to the component name.
Variable Modifiers The modifiers of the variable generated for the component. Allowed modifiers: public, default, protected, private, static and transient. Default is private.
Use Local Variable If true, the variable is declared as local in the initialization method. Otherwise, at class level. Default is false.
Gen. Getter Method If true, generate a public getter method for the component. Default is false.
Variable Annotations Annotations of component variable.
Type Parameters Parameters of component type. E.g. MyTypedBean<String>.
Custom Create If true, create component in createUIComponents() method. Useful if you want use component factories for or non-default constructors. JFormDesigner generates the createUIComponents() method, but no component instantiation code. It is your responsibility to add code to createUIComponents().
Custom Creation Code Custom code for creation of the component.
Pre-Creation Code Code included before creation of the component.
Post-Creation Code Code included after creation of the component.
Pre-Initialization Code Code included before initialization of the component.
Post-Initialization Code Code included after initialization of the component.

"(form)" properties

Select the "(form)" node in the Structure view to modify special form properties:

Property Name Description
Generate Java Source Code If true, generate Java source code for the form. Defaults to "Generate Java source code" option in the Java Code Generator preferences.
Default Variable Modifiers The default modifiers of the variables generated for components. Allowed modifiers: public, default, protected, private, static and transient. Default is private.
Default Use Local Variable If true, the component variables are declared as local in the initialization method. Otherwise, at class level. Default is false.
Default Gen. Getter Method If true, generate public getter methods for components. Default is false.
Default Event Handler Modifiers The default modifiers used when generating event handler methods. Allowed modifiers: public, default, protected, private, final and static. Default is private.
Member Variable Prefix Prefix used for component member variables. E.g. "m_".
Use 'this' for member variables If enabled, the code generator inserts 'this.' before all member variables. E.g. this.nameLabel.setText("Name:");
I18n Initialization Method If enabled, the code generator puts the code to initialize the localized texts into a method initComponentsI18n(). You can invoke this method from your code to switch the locale of a form at runtime.
I18n 'getBundle' Template Template used by code generator for getting a resource bundle. Default is ResourceBundle.getBundle(${bundleName})
I18n 'getString' Template Template used by code generator for getting a string from a resource bundle. Default is ${bundle}.getString(${key})
I18n 'translate' Template Template used by code generator to translate a string into another locale (e.g.${value}) for Gettext Commons library).
I18n Key Constants Class The name of a class that contains constants for resource keys.
Binding Initialization Method If enabled, the code generator puts the code to create bindings into a method initComponentBindings().
MigLayout: API Constraints If enabled, then MigLayout API is used to create constraints. Otherwise, strings are used.